When the focus is about us, we will never obtain longevity. We might make a lot of money in the short run but in the long run we will crash and burn. Sustainability occurs when the focus is on others. After all, what are the two greatest commandments? Love God and love others. When our focus is not on ourselves, the world of opportunity for doing good blossoms and “blows up”!

Sustainability flourishes when we create an environment where those within it feel included, empowered, needed, welcomed and loved. Whether we are dealing with our customers, staff, or team members, it is the same. Creating an environment of genuine care and concern for everyone we come into contact with is invaluable. I challenge each of you to treat everyone with these five essential components or pillars of a fulfilled life and see what happens. The sky is the limit!

Apogee Therapy Center’s Mission and Value Statements are centered around these five pillars. Our team members are here to serve you in every way. It is not about us – it is about you.